Fox Fantasy Football
Fox, you’ve heard of them, right? You haven’t?! That’s odd. They’re one of the biggest broadcasters on the planet. And they’ve only gone and made themselves a pretty nifty fantasy football league. It’s even endorsed by one of those football playing robots that everyone loved for 2 minutes a few years ago…
The robot is 100% free. Make sure you get yours!
Mascots aside, Fox have made a great and easy to use interface that will please its users. Like Yahoo, it’s got the mock draft function so you can sit and draft to your heart’s content before making your actual, final picks – which you will undoubtedly be unhappy with. No one is ever happy with their final picks…
We really like their Weekly Projections section, which gives you weekly projections funnily enough. Can be a great help in picking your team each week. These projections are drawn up from What If Sports, but what you also get with Fox is expert help from actual football experts – whose job’s are literally just being experts on fantasy football. Madness.
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