Hello and welcome to the about me page. A page entirely dedicated to ME! Very exciting stuff! This is where I tell you all about me and let you know what I already didn’t tell you on the Home page, which isn’t much, to be honest.
I’m Chris. I’m a fairly normal 20-something guy born and bred in the mean streets of Glasgow (they’re actually not that mean.)
I wouldn’t say there is anything particularly special about me, although my mother would argue with that, I’m a straight forward guy who enjoys a good lager, movies, computers and a good lager (What? I’m Scottish!) I’ve worked in a series of random jobs before and during University ranging from being a bouncer in a pub to working in a call centre selling people insurance (for which I apologise) so, I’ve been about. I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge along the way, particularly regarding saving money and spending it effectively, not just from my own experiences (good and bad) but from people passing their knowledge on to me. So, the logical thing would be to pass it all on again, right? Yeah. That seems like the right thing to do.
Did I mention that I love football? And sports? And more football? Anything competitive really. And I like to write about them and share my opinions, and I also like to hear other people’s opinions and hear their opinions on my opinions. So yeah, I’m beginning to wonder why I didn’t start this site earlier!
You can follow me on Twitter at @officialsilb and you can also like our Facebook page if you like. I don’t think there is anything else about me that I should let you know. If you have any questions, just ask! 🙂